Professional Ethics 101




Whether you realize it or not, every person on the face of the earth deals with ethical thought, ethical reasoning, and ethical dilemmas every single day. That’s not to say the result is always good, sometimes things can go sideways, and often in a hurry.

It’s entirely plausible for a person to be ruled by a lack of ethics just as it’s equally plausible he could live his life by a high moral and ethical standard.

Ethical situations come up all the time, many times without us even realizing it. After a while, certain things just become habitual and you don’t really think about what you’re doing. You just do it because you know it’s the right thing to do.

But what about when the lines get a little more blurry? Not every situation you come across is going to have a black-or-white solution. What do you do then?

Well, that’s what we’re going to cover today in this two-hour continuing education course for Texas private investigators. This material will cover your biennial ethical training requirement and will also hopefully teach you a thing or two along the way.

Before we get into the nuts and bolts of this CE module, let’s answer three basic questions that pertain to ethics in the world of private investigation.

  • What is ethics?
  • Why should I care about ethics?
  • How can I become an ethical thinker?

While ethics is a very complex and open-ended topic, these are three of the most important questions that relate to ethics and ethics training throughout the world.

We’ll go more in-depth on this subject matter later, but a brief introduction and explanation is warranted before we get too far into the module.